The cost for an individual therapy session of 1,5 to 2 hours is 120 USD. For groups and workshops I have other rates, please inquire with me. For bookings and interest in other creative offerings (see below), please send an email to:
I have hosted water ceremonies inspired by aquatic wisdom traditions through World Water Law online, the co-created MER project and in East Africa . I integrate the essence of the water element and water related ceremonial work into most of what I facilitate and offer. I honor that I am walking the water path as a guardian in close cocreation with others and many peers worldwide.
Qi Gong Fluid Body movement inspired by East Asian Medicine (with an option to integrate expressive arts therapy with water colors and painting & a visual reading). I can offer both online and local individual or group classes. Together we will explore different acupressure points and sacred movements amongst others related to the lotus and water dragon. These sessions can support us with increasing our creative energy, stilling the mind and relaxing our nervous system.
A transformative experience of Polynesian Ka Huna Bodywork with massage, rhythm, music, breath and energy work to relax, detox, heal and rejuvenate soul and body. Lomi Lomi Temple style is more than just massage. It is based on a deep and ancient understanding of the Huna philosophy and a form of holistic medicine that engages all our senses.
Alcyone WMX is an initiative and movement for Love to support humanity’s awakening and soul inspired self realization through artistic transmissions and the Living Arts. Alcyone WMX aims to purposefully foster our ‘ARTWAKENING’ and reignite our sense of belonging as the One multidimensional being of Love in the (fractal) dream of existence and is dedicated to create a space where we can support each other in this. It also aims to foster transformation at all levels; of ourselves, our living environment and social systems. Alcyone WMX stands for cocreation (whether they are land based communities, artistic expressions, innovations or biotopes etc.) based on energetic architecture and cosmic principles that are rooted in emotional alignment, wholeness and an interweaving between the material and invisible dimensions of life. So that our societies, organisations and environment become a Living ART and a truthful reflection again of universal consciousness and our divine essence as human beings
Core questions are: How can we create Living Art (forms) with social impact and how can we embody and cocreate from our divine essence as Love?
Universal aesthetics and harmonics: Living Art is guided by values such as beauty, unity and freedom that underpin the cosmic order of life with principles such as flow, coherence and undivided wholeness.
Living Art channels our creative energy, while healing and touching our soul and expanding our state of being into feeling more at One with the entire universe. At the core lies Tat Tvam Asi (Thou Art That) when we become expressive conduits for life force to move and dissolve us into a state of sacred Oneness with the All.
Living Art is dedicated to realize social purpose and positive change for the benefit of others and the world around us
Spoken Word Poetry is the art of sounding our unique vibration with meaningful intonation, timbre and rhythm evoking a world of mesmerizing layers, emotional expression and storytelling. Feel welcome to listen to my first experiment of Spoken Word Poetry: 'love that is law to thee'.
Planetary Biofield Aligmnent is still in development. My vision is to restore the interconnectedness and harmonious rightful relationships within the global ecosystem between humanity’s (emotional) body and state of consciousness, natural regions, cities, the earth’s frequencies and sacred power spots, biotopes and land and water based initiatives while applying practices that are inspired by Geomancy, the Water Ways, Geo-mythology, Cosmomimicry and Feng Shui - most of which were already practiced worldwide during ancient times in China, India, the Pacific and the Middle East. In this way I truly wish to contribute my part in restoring naturally resonating and life fostering beautiful environments again between the planet’s ecosystems, the human bioenergetic field, our interpersonal relationships and our physical environment. During the course of 2022 I will publish and acivate more about this through Alcyone WMX.
WMX are three codes that have intuitively guided me to reconnect with and research ancient civilizations such as the land of MU and Eastern Shamanism (WU XIAN). Essentially WMX are vibrational signatures inside our subconsciousness that we can remember, and activate and that support us to access sacred knowledge rooted in Oneness, aka the primordial waters and seas that we all originate from; also called the Great Maa. Much of this actually stems from MERITAH (Mu, Mer, Mar, Maar, Moor) which was known as modern day Africa. Ultimately these codes can guide us home and inspire us to coreate and revive a thriving world that we remember as our original birthplace.
The purpose of this art project is to provide a space for beautiful souls, unique thinkers and feelers to inquire and explore questions around Love, Multidimensionality, Meaningful Life, The Art of Living, The Path of Awakening and to share Memoirable, Intimate Stories that changed our lives. And thereby to offer educational and inspirational Hope & Wisdom teachings for others.
On Medium I have written two articles amongst others on what is happening in the world from a consciousness perspective, quantum awareness, sacred speech and sound and my inspiration for Alcyone. In the future, I will write more about these and other related topics.
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Swift light as a feather I move the clouds at will And soar on the wings of forever Along the pathways of our voices sounding a new dawn When I caress you, will you lay down with me? To feel how I move between the rustling of the leaves How I am the rustle and the moment in between Mold my spirt, permeating, infusing Stretch me in your wide open arms ‘Empheral’, is that my name to call upon the star lit sky? Suddenly I am in a field with no end Try to pin me down and I will be nowhere Move with me and I will be everywhere Feasting with angels, ethereal as I am I knock on the door of life and death Yet freedom is who I am Your body is the vessel for my elevation Sweep me up in your love once again The winged messenger of the Gods Is it me, Mercurius or is it you, Melusine? I hold life in Unison So, sigh my love, sigh All is Wonder Well
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